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Zoodles? Say What?

by Abby Forman, MS RD
Registered Dietitian

You may have noticed a new colorful trend popping up around online and in restaurants – zoodles.  This is the term for using a spiralizer on zucchini to make a noodle substitute.  They work great for those looking for a lower carbohydrate option to regular pasta or a fun way to get vegetables into their diet for summer.  You can actually use the same technique on a variety of vegetables such as carrots, yellow squash, parsnips and beets.  Simply blanch them in boiling water and serve with sauce. You can also use them raw in a cold summer salad for a unique texture!  

If you don’t have a spiralizer you can use a julienne peeler or cut the vegetables into thin strips.  The sky is the limit and zoodles of new ways to get in your veggies!