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The Biggest Loser: Winner Needs Credit, Too

Can you imagine losing nearly half your body weight in five months?

That’s what Olivia from The Biggest Loser show accomplished last night to win the grand prize of $250,000.

She started out weighing 261 pounds. The 35-year-old opera singer was fed up with always playing a certain role because of her weight and appearance. And the thought of never having children due to polycystic ovarian disease fueled her desire to lose the excess weight.

Twenty weeks after the show started, Olivia weighs just 132 pounds. That’s a 49.4 percent drop in weight.

It’s the kind of speedy weight loss that only happens on a TV show. But other than that, you have to give Olivia all the credit. She lost weight the old-fashioned way: through diet and exercise.

I know a lot of people watching the show struggle with weight loss. I’m sure some of them probably think that going on a TV show is the only way to lose that much weight.

It’s not.

Yes, Olivia had personal trainers, sports therapists and nutritional guidance.

But it was her that clocked all those miles on the treadmill. And she controlled what she did – and did not – put in her mouth.

She couldn’t have done it without herself.

Alice Warchol is a fitness instructor and freelance health writer.