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Get Some Zzzs to Lose More Pounds

I love learning simple ways to improve weight loss.

For me, it’s been trusting the advice of a personal trainer and lifting weights consistently. Sure enough, I dropped those last few unwelcome pounds and a dress size.

Now it looks like another easy lifestyle change is in order. Going to bed earlier.

It doesn’t take a scientist to tell you that if you’re sleeping, you’re not snacking. However, it does take a group of researchers to document the effects of losing one night of good sleep.

Here’s what they found: it slows down your metabolism.

That means you burn less calories, putting you at risk for gaining weight.

The new study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, adds to a growing body of evidence that sleeping well isn’t just about feeling refreshed in the morning. Poor sleep can change your body’s chemistry, putting you at risk for diabetes.

How much sleep should we be getting? For adults, it’s between seven and nine hours, according to the National Sleep Foundation.

I’ll admit, I enjoy my late night quiet time. I can watch TV, read or write without someone less than 48 inches tall asking me to explain where time goes or whether dogs can see in color.

But as I get older and my metabolism naturally slows, getting more sleep might be the easiest way to keep those last pounds from ever coming back.

+ Learn about Weight Loss and Nutritional Analysis

Alice Warchol is a fitness instructor and freelance health writer.