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Competitive Edge

Top 10 Super Foods: #7 Nuts

July 7, 2011

Walnuts, almonds, pistachios are some great nuts that you should try to make sure to get at least one serving of every day. Looking for ways to incorporate these into your diet? Try sprinkling some on your salad for added flavor or mixing them into yogurt as an extra treat. + Scheduling your appointment for […]READ MORE

Top 10 Super Foods: #6 Vitamin B12

June 6, 2011

Many people over 50 years of age do not get enough vitamin B12. If you have been struggling with a B12 deficiency try to include good sources: fortified cereals like raisin bran, lean meat, and fish and seafood like oysters or clams. Low fat cottage cheese with fruit as a snack is another good addition […]READ MORE

Bodywork and Manual Therapy: An Overview

June 6, 2011

Bodywork and manual therapy are general terms that refer to body manipulation therapies used for relaxation and pain relief. Massage and chiropractic are two well-known forms of manual therapy. The idea behind bodywork is that people learn (or are forced by injury or stress into) unnatural ways of moving or holding their bodies. This unnatural […]READ MORE

Top 10 Super Foods: Potassium

June 6, 2011

Increasing your intake of potassium along with reducing your sodium intake may lower your risk of high blood pressure. Eating fruit like bananas will give you about 400 mg of potassium, which will help you reach the recommended dietary allowance of 2000-4000 mg per day. Some vegetables, like one medium stalk of broccoli has up […]READ MORE

Golf Injuries: Avoiding Handicaps On and Off the Green

June 6, 2011

Contrary to public belief, golf is a full-body sport with the potential to strain nearly every joint from the neck to the ankles. In a recent issue of The Health Journal Shiela Robison, MSPT, notes that some golf injuries are more notorious than others including: “‘golfer’s elbow,”‘ which refers to an inflammation and tendonitis on […]READ MORE

Stretch! Avoid Running Injuries By Staying Loose

June 6, 2011

Running is a high-impact activity- one that regularly results in preventable injuries. In order to avoid the worst of  shin splints and knee injuries it is important to stretch properly before and after every running workout. Rick Platt, president of the Colonial Road Runners, offered up some stretching advice for avid runners in The Health […]READ MORE

Top 10 Super Foods: #4 Fiber

June 6, 2011

The recommended dietary fiber per day for men is 30-35 grams and for women 20-25 grams per day. Fiber is a dieter’s friend in that it will fill you up without filling you out. Fiber is easy to get if you are including fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet. One apple and one […]READ MORE

Suffering from Shin Splints?

June 6, 2011

Well, it’s that time of year again!  The sun is warm and the runners are coming out in droves!  Did you start out a little too eager and now you are having pain? It is estimated that shin splints account for 10—15% of all running injuries and 60% of all conditions that cause pain in […]READ MORE

A Stroke Ahead: Innovations in Swim Stroke Analysis

June 6, 2011

When it comes to improving sports performance in the water, the key is being able to pinpoint weaknesses in stroke, kick and body position. Many swimmers are not fully aware of their body’s movements under the water, but with the use of Dartfish Video Technology and the Hydroworx1000® resistance pool our sports performance specialists are […]READ MORE

Top 10 Super Foods: #3 Protein

June 6, 2011

You lose 8-10% of your muscle every 10 years after you turn 40. Protein is used in the building and repair of muscle. Good sources of protein are: lean meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, beans, legumes, tofu, nuts and peanut butter. One tip for getting your fruit servings in with your protein is to mix […]READ MORE