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Are You Ready for a New You?

Here comes the New Year! With every second that ticks by, 2012 is getting a little closer.

Are you ready?

Are you making any resolutions about losing weight? Thousands of people just like you are doing the same thing.

As a fitness instructor, I love the month of January. At the gym where I teach, this is when I have the privilege of sharing my passion for fitness.

There is nothing more satisfying than helping people achieve their weight loss goals. And I have some basic advice for anyone who’s going to be stepping into the gym for the first time in five months or possibly ever.

Take it slow at first. Set up a schedule that works for you but doesn’t drastically alter your lifestyle. If you’re trying to work out every night in the gym, you’re going to be fed up within a few days. Consider the federal guideline for two and a half hours weekly of moderate exercise.

Do something you enjoy. If you hate running on the treadmill, do something else. Exercise should not be a chore or you are going to find any good reason to avoid it. Try swimming laps, a cycling class or playing golf with a friend.

Wear proper footwear. Pain and injuries will stop an exercise routine faster than anything. Make sure your shoes match the sport you choose. Ask an instructor for advice. If you’re running, consider a professional fitting to find the right shoe for your arch and stride. If you have bunions or other problems with your feet, wearing orthotics in your athletic shoes can help you stay away from injuries.

And lastly, but most importantly: eat healthy foods in moderation. Not only does it help you lose weight but it makes you feel better, too.

Alice Warchol is a freelance health writer and fitness instructor.

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